Get in touch or
book a consultation


If you think you are in labour, your waters have broken, you have vaginal bleeding or there is a change in fetal movements, please call your Labour Ward directly on 9418 8302 (Epworth Freemasons Hospital) or 9344 5100 (Frances Perry House). I will coordinate your care with the Labour Ward staff.

For other pregnancy-related questions or concerns, I can be contacted during business hours in my rooms on 9347 0747. 

After business hours and on weekends, I can be contacted for other urgent pregnancy concerns by telephoning the call service on 9387 1000. They will page me directly with your message. 

You may also email reception with administrative and other non-medical questions at any time through  Please do not use email for medical advice as I would prefer to speak to you either in person or over the phone about any medical queries you may have.

Booking your first appointment

To access my care (and that of my multidisciplinary team) for pregnancy care or pre-pregnancy counselling, please call my rooms to book in and schedule your first appointment. I recommend that you call as soon as you know you are pregnant as I strictly limit the number of patients I look after each month in order to give every patient the best care possible.

Please let my reception staff know if you have any risk factors that may necessitate an earlier initial visit.  Whilst I try to see every patient by 8 weeks gestation, there are circumstances that may mean that I would like to see you earlier (6-7 weeks gestation). You will need to arrange for a referral from your GP or specialist, however you can make your initial appointment before having obtained the referral to see me. My wonderful practice staff will schedule your initial appointment, send you an antenatal pack which outlines general pregnancy care and book you into the hospital at which you will give birth. 

Practice hours:
Monday to Friday 8:00am–4:00pm

Phone: 03 9347 0747
Fax: 03 8578 1447

Consulting Rooms:
Suite 2, Ground Floor
Epworth Freemasons Hospital
320 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne, VIC 3002

Labour Ward:
Level 2
Epworth Freemasons Hospital
320 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne, VIC 3002